Congratulations to our winners of this years’ 8th annual Helping Hands Scholarship!!

Congratulations to our winners of this years’ 8th annual Helping Hands Scholarship!!

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Abigail Castellucci won first place with her essay entry.  She is attending Humber College in their Design Foundation Program.  This year (as we did last year as well), we asked our entrants to tell us how the global pandemic has affected their lives and their choices for their futures. 

Abigail commented throughout her essay on this:

“It is no secret that over the past year and a half, the world has faced unprecedented struggles due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.  The effects of the pandemic have in one way or another left its mark on all of us.  For me personally, the pandemic has made me realize that sometimes the things that we deem as important, really don’t matter as much as we once believed…. If the pandemic has taught me anything, it is that your friends and family are of utmost importance.  Covid-19 has also made me realize how much I miss simple luxuries.  These include attending school in a classroom of students or walking into a grocery store without waiting in a lineup.  I’ve realized that as much as we miss the big things in life - such as going out to fancy restaurants, or going on vacations; it’s the little things in life that really matter.  Covid-19 has been an enormous wakeup call that self-preservation is of utmost importance.  This pandemic has pushed our mental health to the limits.”

Please click on this link to read Abigail’s essay in its entirety:  Abigail’s Essay

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Maxwell (Max) Ellis was our second-place winner this year.  His parents took him to Waterloo recently to begin his University adventure.  As an only child, Max commented to us that he ‘was looking forward to everything’!!  Max is enthusiastic about his chosen program – Astronomy and Physics.

An exerpt from Max’s essay follows: “I have several aspirations; a professor of astrophysics, a more research-based career, and contributing to the science community and pushing our knowledge beyond what it is now. Another huge goal for me is to have the opportunity to name a celestial object, like a planet or star. That said, I think that my number one, top choice would be a professor of astrophysics at Waterloo. I’d love to have this as my career because it would give me the opportunity to continue and conduct my own research, and it would also let me teach other people with the same interests and aspirations that I have, and strengthen their knowledge, the same as I will in the next few years.”

Please click on this link to read Max’s essay in its entirety:  Max’s Essay

We wish each of our entrants to our Scholarship all the best in the coming years as they begin their post-secondary education.  All the best to both Abigail and Max – we look forward to following you as you become successful in your chosen fields!!


Deb, Kelly, Gary & James

Putting the real estate market into perspective

Putting the real estate market into perspective

If you are anything like us you have heard the following comments several times in the last year or so:

· Can you believe what so and so got for their home……
· They are selling and downsizing and/or moving out west, down east
· They are going to be working from home forever so they can live anywhere

ABCs of Understanding Your Investments

ABCs of Understanding Your Investments

Decoding your Investment Returns.

Here are the ABCs of understanding your investment returns.

One of our partners, EdgePoint has come out with a great, short video that explains the ABCs of  mutual fund investing right down to the difference between book value, net invested value and market value.  

Watch the full video here:

Let us know if you have any specific personal questions, reach out to us today.

Lifeview Financial

-Deb, Kelly, Gary

Year Ahead 2021

Year Ahead 2021

2020 sure has been a roller coaster year, and I think we’ll all be happy to put it behind us and move towards a COVID free world in 2021! 

For many of us, 2020 has brought to the forefront just how important our relationships are with our family, friends, and colleagues, as well as how fragile our health can be.  I think we’ll all come through this situation as stronger individuals, and have a better appreciation of what is truly important to us.  

From an investment standpoint, 2020 was also a difficult year.  Many investments have rebounded back from the lows earlier in the year, but some have only recently started to come back with the news of a vaccine to combat COVID-19.  Industries like hotels, airlines, commercial real estate & restaurants are still struggling.  We still need to get through the challenge of this second wave of infections, but we’re hopeful that providing that the virus gets under control in 2021, we’ll be back into a healthy economic and investment environment in the coming months.

We’ve attached a short 2021 outlook from iA Investment Management’s chief economist Clement Gignac for you to have a read through.  Our belief is that we still have some challenges to get through in the next few months, but the mid to long-term recovery is looking OK at this point in time.

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I hope you have a great holiday season, and all the best to you in 2021!  Take care and stay safe.

P.S.  I just received a card in the mail today that has this saying on it that I thought I would share - “We look back on this year with grateful appreciation for the resilience of our human spirit.  We look forward to a New Year filled with compassion & enthusiasm”  How true!!

 Health, Happiness & Success!

Deb, Kelly, and Gary

1st Place Essay Winner Of The 2020 Helping Hands Scholarship

1st Place Essay Winner Of The 2020 Helping Hands Scholarship

Congratulations to our 1st place Winner for this years’ Helping Hands Scholarship award - Jack Carscadden

Jack has committed to Michigan State University on a hockey scholarship – Business – Preference (with Computational Mathematics as secondary major)

Due to COVID-19, unfortunately the hockey season was cancelled and so was his scholarship. Jack has shown tremendous adversity and shares his thoughts with us in his essay below on how he will carry forward living through this pandemic with his passion in sight.

“Throughout my life, I have learned many lessons from the various experiences I’ve had. Through sport, I learned the importance of team, work ethic, leadership, and working towards a common goal alongside others. Through the education system, I was …

“Throughout my life, I have learned many lessons from the various experiences I’ve had. Through sport, I learned the importance of team, work ethic, leadership, and working towards a common goal alongside others. Through the education system, I was shown the importance of kindness, preparedness, and positivity. Through volunteerism, I learned the importance of putting others ahead of your own motivations to better a community, not strictly oneself. And through work, I’ve learned the importance of treating all with respect, while maintaining composure through difficult times. Here I will illustrate where I learned some of these lessons, how I got to where I am today, and my goals and aspirations for the future.

Since I was two, I have been skating across frozen ice surfaces with a stick in my hand chasing a puck. I have felt the high of winning a provincial championship as a team captain, and the low of being cut from a team. Through this, I learned the value of the hard work and dedication it takes to succeed, and how to deal with adversity to come out a better, stronger person. This past season, I was fortunate enough to be named the captain of my hockey team, where I built on my leadership qualities and set an example for those around me. I attribute hockey to many of the key characteristics that make me who I am today; without it, I would not have the work ethic, drive, and dedication I take to whatever task stands in my way….”

Read Jack’s complete essay below!

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